A Software Campus project

RealVNF is a 2-year project (11/2018 to 01/2021) that is funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and part of the Software Campus. The project is a collaboration between Paderborn University, Germany, and Huawei Munich.

The goal of the project is to design and develop concepts and algorithms to improve coordination of chained virtual network functions (VNFs) under realistic conditions, take cloud computing and network softwarization to the next level. A strong focus is on novel approaches leveraging machine learning and reinforcement learning.

Official RealVNF project description: Software Campus RealVNF website

Related blog post: Lessons learned from leading my first project


Project lead:

Industrial partners:

Student researchers and developers:

Project Outcomes


Open-Source Repositories

Selected repositories:

All repositories: https://github.com/RealVNF/


Self-Learning Network and Service Coordination (Demo):

Self-Driving Network and Service Coordination Using Deep Reinforcement Learning (Conference Talk at IEEE CNSM 2020):

Fully Distributed Service Coordination (Conference Talk at IEEE CNSM 2020):

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